Target State Agency,
attn: Records Custodian,
123 E Blunge St.,
Theirville, FLA 32000.
Dear Sir:
Pursuant to the provisions of §119.07, Florida Statutes, the undersigned or his agent shall appear on the date and time of __________ _________ at _________________ or such other location, within the proper jurisdiction, as may be designated by the record custodian.
At that time and place,
inspection shall be made of those records identified as
together with such other material as may,
in the opinion of the records custodian,
be inseparable from the identified records,
or, with the identified records,
be necessary to form a unified whole.
Redaction: Case law generally permits a record custodian the time reasonably necessary to perform any redaction that he deems necessary. If advance notice is given, the redaction should be done prior to the time of inspection. Redaction in itself constitutes a claim for exemption of that portion of the record(s) redacted.
Penalties for failure to comply: It is a misdemeanor of the first degree for any person to wilfully and knowingly violate any of the provisions of §119.07, F.S., punishable as provided in §775.082, F.S, and §775.083, F.S.
Exemption from inspection: If you contend that the above identified records, or any of them, are exempt from inspection and copying, you are required hereby to state in writing, and with particularity, the statutory authority for the exemption and the reason or reasons for your conclusion that the record or records are so exempted.
I certify that a copy hereof was served upon the records custodian identified above, by __method_of_delivery___ , on this ____ day of ______, 20__ .
Your Name Here
This is a paid political advertisement provided by Tanner Andrews, P.O. Box 1208, DeLand 32721, independent of any campaign or committee. No candidate has approved this material.