Real seminars have their advantages. You get out of the office, you get to watch the young ladies, and if all goes well you enjoy an alcoholic beverage or two. Maybe more, depending on how far away it is and how long the seminar runs.
Sometimes, however, this is not practical. If you are still in Mom's basement, pretending to work, real seminars may be out of your financial reach. And there is no accounting department to reimburse your costs, either.
In such cases, webinars are great. Consider the advantages:
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Contact the leaders in webinar opportunities! | G. Hellen Wait | harperbeck Agency | | Scott Trimble | harperbeck Agency | | Seymour Goldberg | Goldberg & Goldberg PC | | Alan Shenkman | Mail Gun | | Silka Gonzalez | Risky Enterprises | | Ashish Prakash | Compliance Key |